Just Run - Marathon Build up Training

Specify the training on the way to your successful marathon.

Activate training plan
Level 3: Expert
5 running sessions (6 training days)

Training content

The contents of the basic training are intensified and progressively expanded. In addition to speed development and increasing capacity, the aim is to expand and consolidate the aerobic base through longer endurance runs. Five running sessions are scheduled per week.
Strength and core training remain part of the training week. Optionally, the yoga session remain in the programme.

Target group

Best time oriented runners who have already laid the foundations and now want to take the next steps toward a top time on the marathon distance.

What does a typical training week look like?


Rest day


Hill intervals

Core & Mobility


Endurance run





Core & Mobility


Strength training


Endurance run

with strides


Endurance run


In nur drei Schritten zum Trainingsplan

  1. KickAss Abonnement buchen
    Im ersten Schritt musst du ein Abonnement auswählen. Der Trainingsplan ist in den Abonnements KickAss Basic Run verfügbar.
  2. Trainingsplan freischalten
    Im zweiten Schritt kannst du über dein Konto den Trainingsplan freischalten und aktivieren.
  3. Trainingsplan öffnen und loslegen
    Im letzten Schritt musst du den Trainingsplan nur noch öffnen. Du wirst automatisch zu unserer Trainingsplattform AZUM weitergeleitet, richtest dort ein Profil ein und kannst direkt loslegen.

Split up into:

The training plan is the perfect mix of running, strength and mobility sessions and optional yoga sessions.

All advantages the training bundle has to offer:

  • Flexible adjustments of the workouts
  • Exercise videos for all strength, core and mobility exercises as well as running technique exercises
  • Fuelling requirements during the workouts

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