Offseason schedule: focus on strength training, running, yoga and mobility

For everyone who wants to stay fit during off season

Show product
Level 1 + 2 + 3: Beginner + Advanced + Expert
8-10 h

Training content

You don’t need a training plan during the off season. For this reason this should be seen as alternative training ideas. It is important to us that you do not follow a regular training schedule during your break. Body and mind should consciously come to rest during this phase of the year.

Target group

You don’t want to think about the season break, because you will miss your training. Here’s an alternative for you. Try running, strength and mobility sessions, and yoga!

What does a typical training week look like?




Rest day




Core & Strength



Only three steps to the training plan

  1. Book KickAss subscription
    In the first step you have to choose a subscription. The training plan is available in the subscriptions KickAss Basic Trim
  2. Activate training plan
    In the second step you can unlock and activate the training plan via your account. 
  3. Open training plan and get started 
    In the last step you only have to open the training plan. You will be automatically redirected to our training platform AZUM, set up a profile there and you can start right away. 

Split up into

The training plan is the perfect mix of strength, run, bike and swim workouts. 


  • The perfect plan for the season after the competitions. 
  • The perfect plan for everyone who wants to try out something new. 

4 Week Triathlon Plan by Philipp Seipp for free!

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